The SpellForce series has been around for close to twenty years, and during that time it came dangerously close to being wiped off the face of the video gaming landscape before making a triumphant comeback in the very successful third part of the ongoing narrative. Now, the owners of the brand are concentrating on the product’s freshness!
However, SpellForce: Conquest of Eo is not the successor to SpellForce 3, but rather a spin-off exploring an entirely different gameplay paradigm. This brand-new episode of the cult series came out quite quickly, which was quite a surprise to us. This is because Owned by Gravity’s work is gravitating more toward the 4X genre, which is something similar to Civilization VI or the tactical map mode of the Total War series. As a result, this change in direction has led to the current situation.
Turn-based gameplay and RPG-like features are combined in this game, which places a strong emphasis on the player’s ability to manage their development, diplomacy, army, and economics. I am obligated to acknowledge that the game is performing exceptionally well; out of the 140 reviews that have been posted on Steam since yesterday, as many as 80 percent are good, and the game has 2,345 players at the peak of my writing this. You can see the premiere trailer above, in addition to one hour of gameplay video.