The overwhelming reception to Square Enix‘s latest addition for Final Fantasy 14, Endwalker, resulted in server congestion and a slew of other troubles. To deal with the situation, sales and advertisements, as well as the free trial, were halted in order to prevent the influx of new players. Since then, things have calmed down tremendously, and the free trial will resume tomorrow.
In August 2020, the free trial was greatly increased to include Heavensward, the first paid expansion, as well as all content up to patch 3.56. You’ll also be able to work as a Machinist, Dark Knight, or Astrologian. The nicest aspect is that there are no monthly payments, albeit you won’t be able to form groups with other players (unless they own the game).
Final Fantasy 14 is available for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC. New players will receive 30 days of free game time when they purchase the game. Monthly subscriptions cost $12.99 each month after that. In the meantime, stay tuned for further information about the MMORPG’s future.
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The critically acclaimed MMORPG #FFXIV's Free Trial resumes Feb. 22, 2022!
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— FINAL FANTASY XIV (@FF_XIV_EN) February 19, 2022