The Fire Emblem series is one of the most significant in Nintendo’s catalog, and the Fire Emblem brand has been luring millions of gamers to their console screens for the better part of three decades. Now, please join us in welcoming the most recent chapter of the illustrious tale.
A score of 82% on Metacritic is still a pretty respectable result, showing that this is a production that is absolutely worthy of your interest. Although the most recent Fire Emblem may not be one of the finest in the history of the series, the score of 82% on Metacritic is still quite decent.
The players that really play the game give it significantly lower grades, but as you probably well know, there will always be disgruntled gamers who will give 0/10 because they don’t like one aspect of the game. Despite this, Nintendo keeps up its aggressive marketing push and releases the first video for its next product. Have you already started playing, or do you plan to start?