Grand Theft Auto 5 will be available for pre-order and pre-loading on Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 5. Current-gen gamers, on the other hand, appear to be getting significant discounts for the first three months (ending on June 14th). According to the Xbox Store, GTA 5 on Xbox Series X/S costs $20, while Grand Theft Auto Online costs $10, resulting in a 50% savings on both games.
Grand Theft Auto 5 costs $10 at launch for PS5 gamers, but Grand Theft Auto Online is free (screenshots from US PlayStation Store listings can be seen below). The former is lowered by 75%, and GTA Online for PS5 will cost $20 once the three-month discount period expires. Previous-generation gamers can execute a one-time migration for Story Mode progress and GTA Online characters and progression on both systems. Unfortunately, neither platform offers a free upgrade option.
GTA 5 will be released on March 15th for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox One X/S. Improved visuals, three graphics options (including ray-tracing capabilities), and additional content such as upgradeable vehicles will all be available. For more information, go here.

Last week, more facts about the game were disclosed, including the fact that improved versions of Rockstar’s open-world action game will include a performance ray-tracing option.
Furthermore, save transfers for GTA 5 and GTA Online are now available and may be completed to transfer your save data to the new consoles ahead of their release. While these pricing aren’t ideal, and a free update would be preferable, Rockstar isn’t charging you full money, at least not for now.