During the most recent Nintendo Direct Mini, a new trailer for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak was shown. This trailer disclosed a great deal of information. First, it was revealed that Shagaru Magala, the adult form of Gore Magala and an Elder Dragon from Monster Hunter 4 that is capable of launching earth-based attacks, will be making a comeback. In addition to that, it displayed new subspecies, such as a new Magnamalo and Seething Bazelgeuse that had swords on its arms.
The game also includes a variety of other monstrous characters, such as the brand-new Elder Dragon Malzeno, Lunagaron, Furious Rajang, and more. On the other hand, the trailer gives off the impression that there will be an even more formidable foe, comparable to the Thunder Serpent Narwa from the basic game or Shara Ishvalda from Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. On June 30th, when Sunbreak launches for the Nintendo Switch and for personal computers, we will find out what it is.
In terms of post-launch content, Seething Bazelgeuse and Lucent Nargacuga will be made available in Title Update 1 (TU1) respectively. It will go live in August and will contain additional uncommon and special species monsters in addition to the addition of the Forlorn Arena as a new locale.