Bandai Namco brings back to life the Ultimate Ninja Storm game series, which triumphed in the times of PS3 and Xbox 360. Soon, thanks to Naruto x Boruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm CONNECTIONS, we will experience great adventures again.
Next to Dragon Ball and One Piece, Naruto is one of the greatest powers of the anime world, and a title on which an entire generation, or even two, has been raised over the last two decades. It is therefore not surprising that Bandai Namco gives Naruto one more chance and after a really long break returns with Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm, this time in the form of Naruto x Boruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm CONNECTIONS, which gives us all the previous numerical installments released in one package. since 2008.
The package includes 130 characters, a lot of story content, but that’s not all. In addition, a season pass with new heroes was announced, as well as DLC with classic openings that we all know and love. The appendix includes the following songs.
- “GO!!!” by FLOW
- “Blue Bird” by Ikimonogakari
- “Silhouette” by KANA-BOON
- “Kaze” by Yamazaru
Source: YouTube