Atlus has been releasing a number of trailers for Persona 3 Reload, each of which focuses on a different character, such as the protagonist or Yukari Takeba. The most recent episode, which originated from Brazil Game Show 2023, takes place in the Iwatodai Dormitory and focuses on the actors and how they spend their free time there. Have a look at it down below.
Gardening, making coffee, preparing dishes, and hanging out with other members of the SEES are just a few examples of accessible activities. Newer players who started with Persona 5 will be familiar with some of these activities. You may enhance your Social Stats like Academics by doing things like watching TV and reading books, among other things. Allies have the potential to gain new Battle Skills based on the activities they do. To everyone’s relief, reaching max Social Links won’t be nearly as challenging as it was in the game’s first release.
Persona 3 Reload will be available for purchase on February 2, 2024 for $70 for PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC. This release will be available globally on February 2. Additionally, it will be accessible on day one for subscribers to Game Pass.