The Skate Studio production firm Full Circle has issued a statement on its official website in response to the recent leak of a build of a version of Skate that is still in development. The development studio makes it abundantly clear in the announcement that the build that was improperly distributed dates back to September 2021 and was never intended for usage by other parties.
The development company issued a statement that read, “While we understand you’re thrilled to jump into the game, we encourage you to be careful when downloading files from unknown sources (and warn you of the potential repercussions of breaking EA’s Terms of Service).”
Full Circle has also indicated that it has felt humbled by the community’s response to the Still Working On It video for Skate that was released back in June. This statement was made in reference to the video’s release. The gameplay in the video seemed extremely polished, and the animations for some of the stunts were pretty close to spot-on, despite the fact that the game was quite buggy and obviously need further development.
Videos of the compromised build could formerly be viewed on a shared Google Drive; however, Google has now removed them from the service. The movies demonstrated both the gameplay while on foot as well as some tricks. The person who uploaded the file mentioned that some of the animations were “pristine,” despite the fact that they were rather janky and need a great deal of improvement.
Skate does not yet have a definite release date, but there is now a playtest being conducted with invites being issued out on a rolling basis to those who have registered for it. Skate is going to be made available for PC. The studio has not yet discussed any upcoming console releases as of this moment.